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24 Hour Plug In Timer



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24 Hour Plug In Timer
Abacus Range 24 Hour Mechanical Plug-In Timer comes with a 13A input current which is operated by Analogue controller output. It is very easy to set an analog plug-in timer which allows you to choose when your electric appliances run during a 24-hour cycle and also you can control the power consumption of tour electric devices. With the 24 Hour Mechanical Plug-In Timer you can simply plug in your home’s lights, TV, and other electronic appliances and program them to switch on/off multiple times of the day. With 15min-24h (Time Min-Time Max) time setting flexibility, allow you to choose which socket will turn on and off. also you can update the time frame according to your wish. This 24 Hour Mechanical Plug-In Timer have feature like cost-effective which save power and time for your home gadgets. A compact 24-hour mechanical plug-in timer saves on your electricity bill because you don’t require to turn on any electronic appliances for so long. Finally, a 24 Hour Mechanical Plug-In Timer can be used for controlling lighting, TV, A/C, fans, and many more electronic appliances

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